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Minutes of meeting 2nd January 2025 Venue Coral Star Restaurant 10.30 to 12.30

At venue Rick, Mike, Patti, Anne, Jackie, June and new member Yasmin

Skype Irene and Peter. Apologies John G.

Mike: The New Years Party

A tongue in cheek view of the last Conservative government’ achievements over the last period of office, The mess that they left for the new Labour regime and what to expect in the future.

Patti: New Years Eve with a bang.

A very realistic account of the bombing on New Years Eve 1980 of the Norfolk Hotel in Nairobi Kenya as told by one of the survivors the loss of life and the destruction caused.

The perpetrator was never brought to justice. Very thought provoking story.

Irene: New Years Eve.

Irene recalls new year celebrations through her life in Scotlsnd, England, Switzerland and Cyprus and how they differed.

June: New Year in France.

June recalls a new year in Breton where she and Charles were renovating a large house, The Mayor pays a visit, worse the wear for drink, he drives his car into a ditch!

Then another party fancy dress, fireworks and celebrations. An extract from ‘Breton Tales’ her next book?

Rick: Ch 32 Catching the Train

The team track Hoskins to the station, to find he had bought two tickets, one for Paris one for Bordeaux. They board both trains and start to search for him. He spots them and starts to run, The policeman pulls his gun, but is overpowered by Hoskins who then starts shooting! After a fight with Mike, Hoskins falls from the train and is lost in a riverpresumed dead. They all meet up back in UKand discuss the case. Meanwhile in France a disheveled figure is buying a ticket for Bordeaux …

Peter: Ch1 of his novel

Two goddesses are creating havoc around the world, things get out of hand resulting in a second big bang, One Goddess falls to Earth. Again intriguing off the wall stuff from Peter.

Anne: A memorable Safari.

Anne recalls when she and her husband took a Lord and Lady from England on Safari in Kenya. He tried to dress correctly but clearly was out of his depth, she appeared in full evening dress and high heels she appeared carrying a bunch of bananas, Instantly drawing the attention of the monkeys who begin to attack her. Throwing the fruit away they follow that instead. Lord and Lady never returned.

Jackie: New Years Party

Los Gigantes in Tenerife, they are thinking of living there and take a two week break over the New year. Torrential rain in the second week, when friends join them proves disastrous and they abandon the idea.

A lively meeting despite poor connection on Skype.

Next week’s theme - Apocalypse or comeuppance.


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