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Minutes of our Meeting of 20 May 2021 Venue: Skype only.

Greetings fellow writers.

Present at today's meeting, via Skype:

John. Rick. Bob. Nikki. Gina. Jennifer. Dee.

Apologies from June, Jennie and Claudine.

Thanks to Gina, who presented the meeting. And Dee taking the minutes.

The Meeting began with readings:

Nikki- Chapter 44 version of her WIP, including last week's homework 'Heart attack'. Interesting characters, very descriptive.

John: 'The Icarus Conundrum'. A clever humorous tale from the God's on Mount Olympus.

Rick: Chapter 25 'Back to Nancy' . The continuation of his WW11 story. it is 1947.

Jennifer: 'A dying Man' touching and sad poem, set in Thailand.

Coffee break- 12-00 12 10

Gina: 'The aftermath part 5 of the rescue series'. After the awful knee Operation the story draws to a conclusion.

Bob: Chapter 21. Of his WIP. 'Woman across the street'.

Meeting closed at 1pm. Thank you for all who virtually attended. See you next week.

Writing prompt for next week. 'Seaside'.


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