Fine writers should split hairs together, and sit side by side, like friendly apes, to pick the fleas from each other’s fur’
Logan Pearsall Smith
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Minutes of our Meeting of 4th November 2021 Venue: Coral Star, Coral Bay.
In Person: Rick Powell, Claudine Snell, Mike White, Gina Angeletta.
On Skype: Bob Barker, Nikki Burrows, June Megennis, Jennifer Gardner & John Goodwin who took the Minutes..
Apologies: Dee Leigh.
The meeting opened with a reading from Rick: “The Body in the Library,” The opening of his new project, a novel set initially in 1949.
There followed a discussion discussion on the development of police procedures since the 1940s. Handy for crime writers and period dramas.
Nikki read a chapter set in 1941-1944 from Claudine’s Autobiography: “True Blue”
Although the book has been printed privately she is looking for help to publish and distribute for retail such as on Amazon. Bob and John have experience in this and have offered to help with the setup.
Bob proposed a tutorial on Self-Publishing which he will prepare for when he comes out in the next few weeks.
Jennifer read an extract from her work in progress: “Defiled.”
The first homework piece was from Mike: Carrot/ Carat.
After a short coffee break, the second homework reading was from Nikki: “Mukimono Mutsuki” a potential new project.
John, who is running a little behind, read: “Penmanship.” A response to the Spooky prompt of 2 weeks ago.
Finally, Bob read another chapter from his ‘Breathe Again’ novel
Writing prompt for next week: “Sequester.”
The meeting ended at 12.00 noon.
Next meeting 11 November 2021 at Coral Star ready for 10:30 start and of course on Skype.