Fine writers should split hairs together, and sit side by side, like friendly apes, to pick the fleas from each other’s fur’
Logan Pearsall Smith
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Minutes of Our Meeting of 5th January 2023 Venue Coral Star Taverna Coral Bay
Present: Rick, Mike White, Patti and June. On Skype: John, Jordi and Bob
Unfortunately the TV at Coral Star was not operational, so those present had to rely on Rick’s laptop computer.
The meeting opened with a discussion about the publication of Rick’s new book on Kindle entitled 'The Missing Fortune', the second in the series of 'Mike and Valerie Mysteries'.
John then gave us 'The Rise of the Geriactivists'.
The next offering came from Rick with Chapter 27 of 'The Missing Fortune', entitled 'Nora’s Story'.
John apologised for having to leave the meeting early.
June read a revised version of an earlier contribution entitled 'Another Winter’s Tale'.
Jordi enthralled us with “Germanic Atlanteans’ challenging history and giving food for thought, a continuation of his fascinating book.
Mike entertained us with 'Cinderella', a tongue in cheek parody on the seasonal pantomime.
Bob continued his latest Carver novel with Chapter 27 of 'Breathe Free'.
There were no other contributions and the meeting was declared closed.
There was no prompt suggested for next week and everyone was invited to choose any subject.
The next meeting will be held on January 12th at Coral Star.