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P.W.G Minutes of the Meeting on 11 June 2020

Venue: Neo’s Sports Bar, Peyia and Zoom


John Goodwin (z) Bob Barker Jennie Rook (z) David Greensmith Richard Powell

Mike White June Megennis Derek Whittle

Apologies from Nikki Burrows, Caroline Harman-Smith and Dee Leigh

Greetings Scribes,

As always, we hope that you and your closest are healthy and safe.

This week’s June meeting was held online and on Zoom. It was great to welcome June and Derek back to the group, post Lockdown.

Jennie will be attending online for the month but will still be able to take the minutes.

Bob connected his laptop to the Neo’s TV and seemed to work well with all members being able to see online members more clearly. We’ll sort out audio with a webcam for next week to try to cut out the surround noise.


John: Based on last week’s homework: The Gift – departing with a gift of money, with a nice twist at the end.

Jennie: Based on last week’s homework: The Gift – a believable story.

June: Based on last week’s homework: The Gift from Heaven – an interesting story around the orchestra.

This led to a short discussion about Mia Farrow’s films and June’s change of style while attending PWG.

Derek: The Visitor – a cat story

Derek explained his new piece of work which started as a short story and plans now are to turn it into a play. It’s a large project.

Mike: Night of the dead – a story of the deceased victim of a car crash and his psyche.

A short discussion was had around psyche and souls lingering upon death.

Coffee break


Rick: Chapter 8 – Roman Roads journey.

Mike told the group of a friend who had published a similar travel guide in the UK around the Forest of Dean. We then shared stories of people who visit Paphos and don’t take advantage of the historical treasures we have here. Perhaps someone in the group would be interested to write a Paphos walking guide.

Bob then led a discussion on the different publishing routes.

David: What If – Historical reflections if some events hadn’t happened, what if. Including the Cuban Missile crisis.

The idea of writing of series of books with the same title came up and that it would have endless possibilities.

Bob: Chapter 2: The Woman across the street – a good lead in and Bob will finish the chapter next week.

For those interested and want to know more about Zoom, please go here for details:

For those interested in joining our PWG Online Skype group, please email us your skype name to add you to the group.


‘What Now?’ – Describe your new ‘normal.’ What will you change for the better, in your life or the world around you, post lockdown?

This could include making new / re-igniting old friendships, more travel, trying different ways of working, changes in leisure choices or a new hobby.

For those attending the call, please send your piece to Jennie to upload to the PWG Zoom Group, or any other you would like feedback on.

Next meeting will be on: Thursday 18 June at Neo’s Sports Bar and on Zoom.

Thanks to all who attended. Stay healthy, safe and happy writing.


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