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P.W.G Minutes of the Meeting on 30 April 2020

Venue: Zoom


John Goodwin Bob Barker Jennie Rook Nikki Burrows David Greensmith

Richard Powell

Apologies from: Eddy Kent, Caroline Harman-Smith and Dee Leigh but sent homework in to be read to the group.

Greetings Scribes,

As always, we hope that you and your closest are healthy and safe.

This week’s final, April, online meeting was held solely on Zoom, though John and Jennie lost connections part way through and managed to reconnect. There were plenty of readings this week and much feedback for all.

We started with a short discussion on returning to Neo’s in late May or June, when lockdown is lifted in Cyprus. It will depend upon the scientific data on case levels. Should the owners of Neo’s agree, we will use the online option for those who may still be in lockdown in other countries and wish to attend. This may be a suitable option for those who may still be at ‘high risk’ and need to isolate or continue to self-distance.

When shops open again, you’ll be able to get equipped and updated with visual and audio options on your devices. A lot of you are planning your first trips out to PC SOS and other computer technical services.


David: Based on last week’s homework: Kidnapped – a very amusing story about, well it’s obvious, no?

David had also written a story titled: Ghostly Encounter – a supernatural event

This led to a non-judgemental, discussion on who’s had a supernatural encounter and their personal beliefs.


John: Based on last week’s homework: Paddle Power – a lovely descriptive, story of the moorhen family he is watching during lockdown. John explained clearly how and where he’d used the homework exercise to reverse his sentences to give them more punch.

Rick: Based on last week’s homework: Last Word – Rick had taken an extract from his novel and used the exercise. The group gave him some feedback on the 2 sentences he wasn’t sure about.

This led to a discussion on where to use this technique and that in some styles, it’s not always possible/suitable. The group found it a useful exercise to do.

Nikki: An extract from her ‘Zeus’ novel – Bob mentioned Nikki’s use of adverbs and that they could be reduced in places.

This led to a discussion on writing flow, how we write during the challenges of being in lockdown, how some like to set deadlines to work to, others don’t. The group concluded that it was individual preference, that there is no set rules to getting down to writing. Some have full flow and can’t stop once they start, some struggle and need to find out what motivates them most. We all agreed that inspiration and any subject that sparks your imagination is key.

Jennie read for Caroline (who submitted an article she’d written for a newspaper competition, by email): Backgammon and Chips – an evocative portrayal of Cypriot eating in a local, rural tavern. When lockdown is over and we can move freely again, the group may visit the tavern, as Caroline made it sound so good. Feedback has been sent to Caroline and received with many thanks from the group. Best of luck to her for the competition!

Rick: Chapter 3 of his POW mystery - feedback was given by the group, mainly regarding how to use dialogue, when there’s more than 2 characters in the scene. In this case it is useful to introduce who’s about to speak. David also suggested to Rick to add some description of his characters.

This led to a discussion on how you can also show traits in your characters by using accents and tones in dialogue. Through dialogue, you can portray your characters’ description.

Eddy Kent had been in touch with Jennie and sent in a poem to read to the group. He is working as a carer so couldn’t attend online but hopes to once Covid-19 cases ease in the UK, and his care duties.

The beautiful and super evocative poem is entitled ‘Hope’ and can be found here:

For those interested and want to know more about Zoom, please go here for details:

For those interested in joining our PWG Online Skype group, please email us your skype name to add you to the group.

Coffee break: Throughout the meeting


Find a funny/amusing story you’ve already written. Turn it into a creepy, dark and sinister story. Continuing the supernatural theme.

For those attending the call, please email your piece, by Wednesday, to Jennie at: to upload to the PWG Zoom Group, or any other you would like feedback on.

Next meeting will be on: Thursday 7 May on Zoom.

Thanks to all who attended. Stay healthy, safe and happy writing.



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